Hạt hút ẩm Binderless PSA-5A Molecular Sieve

Hạt hút ẩm Binderless PSA-5A Molecular Sieve

  • Tên sản phẩm  : HẠT HÚT ẨM MOLECULAR SIEVE  – CHINA  
  • Tên gọi khác : hạt molecular sieve, hạt sàng phân tử
  • Quy cách đóng gói : 120- 150 kg/ phuy
  • Xuất xứ : CHINA
  • Kích cỡ :  1/8 ”, 1/16”
  • Mô tả

Binderless PSA-5A Molecular Sieve for Hydrogen Purification

Gophin Binderless PSA-5A Molecular Sieve is an excellent adsorbent specially designed for hydrogen purification
by PSA method.
Since the non-zeolite binder of common molecular sieve 5A is transferred to zeolite, binderless PSA-5A has
special characteristics such as greater CO, N2 and CH4 adsorption capacity. Most of the time, binderless PSA-5A
works with activated carbon in a pressure swing system (PSA). By PSA method, the hydrogen purity can reach
99.9999%. Until now, it is the most commonly used adsorbents in hydrogen purification with PSA method.
Technical Parameter